Projetos Esportivos

Promovendo inclusão, desenvolvimento pessoal e comunitário através do esporte.

man in red and white jersey shirt and white shorts
man in red and white jersey shirt and white shorts
Impacto Social Positivo

Inspirando e capacitando pessoas para alcançar seu potencial máximo.

people playing soccer on green field during daytime
people playing soccer on green field during daytime
focus photo of woman in red and white polo shirt with black pants in ice wheelchair
focus photo of woman in red and white polo shirt with black pants in ice wheelchair
man holding pole stick
man holding pole stick
Eventos de Inclusão

Realizando eventos para promover a inclusão e desenvolvimento da população.

Impacto Vidas

Promovendo inclusão, desenvolvimento pessoal e comunitário através do esporte.

four man running on the field
four man running on the field
football players in red jersey shirt and red pants running on green grass field during daytime
football players in red jersey shirt and red pants running on green grass field during daytime
grayscale photography of man doing high jump surrounded with people watching
grayscale photography of man doing high jump surrounded with people watching
couple dancing on the snow field
couple dancing on the snow field